Gorway Probus Club Contacts
© Gorway Probus Club 20 January 2025
Contacts - Click on the email link shown below
Secretary Ken Smith Tel. 01922 624 204
Treasurer Brian Felgate Tel. 01922 458 124
Almoner Robin Bartlett Tel. 01922 458 331
Social Secretary John Pearce Tel: 01922 682 753 Mob: 07719 021 158
Walking Secretary Brian Lycett Tel. 01922 620 748
Bowling Secretary Gerry Gomez Tel.01922 645 378
Webmaster Ric Smith for website problems Tel. 01922 635 094.
Click here for:- Probus Global
Gorway Probus Club Walsall
at The Aldridge Compass Suites
Walsall Arboretum
Speaker Secretary Gerry Gomez Tel. 01922 645 378
Assistant Secretary Ric Smith Tel. 01922 635 094
Chairman John Pearce Tel: 01922 682 753 Mob: 07719 021 158